'Bad' Foods That Are Good For You Have you been depriving yourself of eggs, pasta...or chocolate? Well, maybe you shouldn't be. Research reveals that some foods we typically think of as "bad" really aren't. And nutritionists tell us that there's room

bad foods

Popcorn Yep, this popular snack is good for you. In fact, it contains more healthful antioxidant substances called "polyphenols" than fruits and vegetables, finds 2012 research presented at the American Chemical Society's annual meeting. Just don't pile on the butter or the salt. And be careful with microwave popcorn, as it can pack in trans fats and sodium. "If you buy your own kernels or get your own air popper, you can have a healthy snack," says Cipullo. Try topping popcorn with almonds, which promote fullness.

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